My partner has given me those words of stern, face-holding reassurance more times than I can count 😅 super relatable. Also, gorgeous art! Thank you for sharing 💚

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Anoosha, your words on burnout and perfectionism resonated with me. It’s so easy to think about the work we make through a lens of productivity and constant self improvement, and I enjoyed reading about how you responded to that inner critic. I also loved the market scene you painted for pleinapril; you really gave so much more life to the reference image! There’s something about the hues of oranges and blues that you used in it that look so satisfying together. Looking forward to seeing where your art takes you next!

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Thanks for sharing so frankly Anoosha! This was such a relatable post. On that note about perfectionism, I recently read a great book called The Perfectionist's Guide to Losing Control which describes several types of perfectionism (you can take a quiz here to find your type https://www.perfectionistsguide.com/quiz) and how perfectionism isn't bad since it pushes us and helps us grow! But sometimes it can be maladaptive and we want to morph that into adaptive perfectionism with self-compassion / being kind to ourselves, which you observed as well.

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Reading this is a gentle reminder to be kind to myself. I need to give myself more grace and less pressure to be perfectionist. It is hard I agree, to let yourself rest when I want to do personal projects. Congrats on Rani’s Remarkable Day!

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Reading this a month late, but this is 100% what I needed to hear. Last year, I've been working nonstop on creative projects. Then around March, I kind of just stopped drawing much of anything for two months. Wild how your body can say "no" for you once you hit burnout.

I think I'm finally on the other end of the tunnel. But phew, it's difficult to remember that you're okay—you're doing your best.

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